Are Job Boards the best way to recruit?

Speaking to a number of owners, directors and hiring managers, we often get asked – are job boards really the best way to recruit?

A lot of recruitment agencies will say, job boards are a thing of the past, it’s all about tapping into our little black book, the under the radar pool of candidates that they have access to, and yes, when recruiting at CEO or Director level, especially for big organisations paying salaries of £100K plus, yes. But for your more general roles, albeit office based admin, accounting, trades & construction, hospitality, sales (I could go on), job boards are by far the best source of candidates. Job Boards are where the majority or recruitment agencies get 95% of their candidates from – but they wont tell you that, why would they – then you could cut out the middle man, and recruit direct 😉

Over the past 5 years, I must say that with unemployment at an all time low, there has been big skill shortages which has not made it easy to recruit for many roles, across various sectors. But now, as we emerge from the pandemic, and with more and more good employees unfortunately being made redundant, there is a pool of good candidates, looking for a new job across the majority of sectors – and where do they go first to look for a job, you’ve got it – job boards.

Don’t just take it from me, here is some data from the job boards to back this up.

Indeed (data updated for March 2020)

With a strong worldwide presence, Indeed continues to lead in the market overall:

  • 250 million unique monthly visitors
  • Database of 175 million CVs
  • 10 jobs added per second globally

However, the data from three of the UK’s other leading job boards is also hugely positive:

Totaljobs (data provided for May 2020)

  • 5 million visits
  • 5 CVs in their database
  • 8m applications made
  • 66,376 jobs posted

CV-Library (year-on-year data provided for June 2020)

  • Website traffic up by 5.9%
  • CV registrations increased by 19.2%
  • Average applications per vacancy increased by a massive 106%, with an average 30+ applications per job

Reed (data updated for June 2020)

  • 70% increase in clicks from Google through to their website
  • Some sectors, such as social care, has seen the number of jobs posted more than double in June 2020 (year-on-year)

These impressive figures for job board interest show that these platforms are still by far one of the most effective tools to use for your recruitment.

However, we fully understand that it is not only time consuming to reach out to all of the individual job boards, pay them all separate, then right a fully optimised advert that really sells your opportunity, post it on each one, then watch sporadic applications come in to your inbox – if it’s not something you are familiar with, it can be a real headache. That’s why we’ve launched Blue Rocket Recruitment 🚀 –  we do it all for you, write your advert, post it across all the job boards, plus give you access to your own fully branded, cloud candidate dashboard which ranks all candidates in order of suitability, just leaving you to recruit as many candidates into you would like into your business, and for just £399no more.

Attract. Engage. Hire. Grow 🚀🚀

If you’d like to learn more, require any more information or simply have a vacancy that you’d like us to advertise for you, please do not hesitate to contact either myself of one of the team on 023 8033 6633 or email 

All the best,

Steve Wyeth

Founder 🚀