Blue Rocket Recruitment was formed in early 2020 to provide employers with an innovative alternative to using traditional recruitment agencies

Our team is headed up by Director & Founder Steve Wyeth. With a recruitment career spanning two decades, Steve is a trusted advisor and a respected voice in all things recruitment. Steve’s passion is helping to change peoples lives for the better by bringing job seekers and employers together, helping advance careers and allow companies to expand & thrive, through making great hires.

For a while it has been Steve’s aim to offer an alternative to the traditional recruitment agency model and offer a new & innovative solution, that provides employers with all the tools & digital exposure they need to find the best people at at a fraction of the cost of using a traditional recruitment agency. Steve wanted to start an online recruitment company that was built on the opposite of all that is not quite right within the recruitment industry.

Job Seekers are no longer buying the newspaper on a Thursday, sitting pen in hand and circling what they hope to be their next great career move.

Job ads are now available 24/7, with alerts and notifications going direct to job seekers. Today’s job seeker is always searching – always online on their smartphone, tablet or laptop. According to a recent survey 52% of job seekers search whilst in bed, and believe it or not 21% search for jobs whilst sat on the toilet!

But… in order to be successful recruiting online, you need to be able to appeal & attract the right applicants. You need to ensure you are appealing to candidates on an emotional level in your advertising – selling an opportunity, not just a job. You also need to ensure that you are advertising on the same platforms that your ideal candidate is searching on.

Basically, the key to good, successful recruiting is candidate attraction, creating a shortlist, then assessing them candidates and bringing the best of them candidates to the hiring table – quickly.

That’s why Steve formed Blue Rocket Recruitment – to bring together recruitment expertise, an extensive recruitment marketing & advertising network, whilst embracing the latest technology & throwing a little bit of Blue Rocket magic into the mix.

Get in touch today and find out more by calling 023 8033 6633 or emailing