Our recruitment solutions - no hidden costs, all one-time fees

Essential Boost | £399 + VAT

This is our basic package, that covers the fundamental needs for a successful recruitment campaign. We will manage all aspects of candidate attraction & marketing (job adverts basically), leaving you to engage directly with applicants, arrange interviews & ultimately hire.

  • Fully Optimised Job Advert Creation
  • Job Posted Across all Job Boards
  • Social Media Exposure
  • Pro-active / Targeted Approaches
  • Your Own Candidate Dashboard (ATS)
  • Unlimited Hires & Build a Talent Pool

Pro Boost | £649 + VAT

This is our mid-tier package & our most popular. You get all the vacancy exposure of our Essential Boost package, but with many additional features to save you time and allow you to do what you do best, running your business & looking after your customers.

  • Fully Optimised Job Advert Creation
  • Job Posted Across all Job Boards
  • Social Media Exposure
  • Pro-active / Targeted Approaches
  • Your Own Candidate Dashboard (ATS)
  • CV Filtering / Shortlisting
  • Interview & Offer Management
  • Unlimited Hires & Build a Talent Pool

Elite Boost | £1149 + VAT

This is our full premium solution, where you outsource the whole recruitment process to us. This package combines both our Essential & Pro Boost solutions, but comes with some very valuable additional features, including a Criminal Record Check, Right to Work and various other checks on your hired candidate. It is also backed with a money back guarantee if you do not manage to successfully recruit.

  • Fully Optimised Job Advert Creation
  • Job Posted Across all Job Boards
  • Social Media Exposure
  • Pro-active / Targeted Approaches
  • Your Own Candidate Dashboard (ATS)
  • Unlimited Hires & Build a Talent Pool
  • CV Filtering / Shortlisting
  • Interview & Offer Management
  • Telephone Screening – Shortlist (Max 4)
  • Successful Candidate ID / Criminal Record Check
  • £100 additional Indeed Budget Allocation
  • 50% Money Back Guarantee – If you don’t hire

If you have any questions or would like to find out more information, please don't hesitate to contact one of our friendly team on 023 8033 6633 or email hi@bluerocketrec.co.uk 
You can download our FREE Ultimate Hiring Toolkit by Clicking Here