We’ve removed the risk of pay upfront recruitment advertising

We’ve been in business for over a year now and we are proud to of helped hundreds of companies recruit in that time.

However, surprisingly to us we’ve had a number of companies who have a live vacancy, looking to recruit directly and not use an agency, after consideration – decide not to use us.

So, we asked why?

Basically, it seems that having to pay £399 upfront without any guarantee of success was putting a lot of hiring managers & company directors off of using Blue Rocket.

We get it.

There is always an element of risk involved in any online advertising solution. Albeit Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Autotrader and so on… Recruitment advertising is no different.

At Blue Rocket we ensure your job gets maximum exposure across all the leading Job Sites, platforms & portals – so we are confident you’ll make a successful hire.

But what if you don’t get a good response? What if you don’t successfully recruit? That’s where we have stepped up and eliminates most of the risk.

When you engage our services, we will invoice you just £199 which covers all of the advertising media buying costs.

At the time of writing this, a single credit on the following Job boards would cost you:

Reed – £150, CV Library – £99, Total Jobs – £149. That’s a total of £398

With Blue Rocket you’ll get your job advertised on all of the above, for half that – just £199, plus lots of other online job platforms too.

You won’t need to pay a penny more until you’ve successfully recruited.

Once and only when you have successfully recruited, does our final installment of £200 become payable.

We can’t say fairer than that can we?

Ready to advertise your job? Click here or email hi@bluerocketrec.co.uk