Lift Off

This is our most popular direct hiring solution. You get all the vacancy exposure of our Launchpad package, but everything is fully managed by us to save you time and allow you to do what you do best, running your business & looking after your customers.

Our fee structure is a one-time fee, with nothing else to pay and additional hires from the same campaign are at no additional cost.

Initial Conversation
Fee: Complimentary

Finding Out More

We begin by thoroughly understanding your hiring needs & ideal candidate profile. This is a where we are honest as to whether we feel this solution will attract the candidates you require. There is no obligation to use our services at this stage & no hard sell.

We Get To Work
Commitment Fee: £399 + VAT
backed by our 100% Happiness, No Fee Guarantee

Attraction, Marketing & Shortlisting

We create a fully optimised advert, post it across all the leading Job Boards, social media and pro-actively approach active candidates on our database, showcasing your vacancy & actively promoting your company name in all of our marketing activities.

We the present ONLY candidates that meet the role criteria, have the relevant experience and have salary expectations that align with the salary the position is offering

Interview Setup & Offer Management
Fee: No Fee – all included in the above commitment fee.

Interviews & Offer Management

After you have reviewed the candidates we will coordinate & set up all interviews on your behalf. We will confirm all arrangements, prepare candidates & provide feedback, keeping both you and the candidates fully informed throughout the process.

Once you have chosen your successful candidate, we will help facilitate the offer process, aid in any negotiation of terms, bringing together a successful outcome for both parties.

We will coordinate notice periods & confirm start date

Candidate Commencement
Fee: £550 + VAT (Final Fee)

Successful Candidate Starts

The successful candidate starts with your company. We are always on hand to help in anyway we can or provide any advice.

Total Payable: £949 + VAT – multiple hires from the same campaign at no additional cost.